Central Wisconsin High School Leadership Application
A total of 40-45 students will be selected into the program.  Students will be notified by August 1 of their acceptance. After the student is notified, the tuition payment will be requested to secure the student’s place in the program. The information provided below will be used solely for program evaluation and program eligibility purposes. It will be kept confidential.
I. Personal Data
T-shirt Size:
School student is attending:
Year of Graduation
II. Student Primary Parent or Guardian Contact Information
Relationship to Student:
III. Essay Questions - Students please respond to the following questions:
Has your primary parent listed above earned a bachelor’s degree from a four-year university or college?
Has your other parent earned a bachelor’s degree from a four-year university or college?
IV. Scholarship Opportunity
Scholarships are available to students who may find it difficult to pay the $275 participation fee due to financial difficulties. If you are interested in being considered for a scholarship, please complete the information below.  If you are not interested in applying for a scholarship, please skip the next two questions. All approved scholarship recipients will be required to pay a fee of $50.
Does your family qualify for or receive free or reduced priced meals at school?
V. Student Commitment:
I understand the purpose of the Central Wisconsin High School Leadership program and if I am selected, will devote the time and energy necessary to complete the program. Even though emergencies do arise, I understand any participant missing more than one session, for whatever reason, will be asked to withdraw from the program and no portion of the tuition will be refunded. Please check yes if you agree.